• Running with wolves

    I have to confess, I get a little sentimental when I think about our latest hiking trips! Since I'm a child I have always dreamt about wolves and about running across the wilderness in a wolf pack. Growing up I have realised of course that this is pure fantasy, I learned about the difference between dream and real life. About reflection and consistent hard work to reach your goals.

    So for years I have trained our dogs, observed them learn and reflected on my own method of teaching. We revise a lot and I try to give them a honest chance to achieve what I ask of them.

    And lately I just HAD to admit that we have gotten pretty far! I can walk Daika, Ebi and Ewok off-leash and call them back when they see dogs or animals to hunt. I have done my best for our yearlings, Juli and Jemma, so they can come hiking with me too. Off-leash most of the time and on leash on roads and near farms.

    Our yearlings did really, really well, I am soooo proud of them!! I almost HAVE the impression to be running with wolves, just like in my childhood dreams.

    So this is the video I made about a day-hike with Ebi and her son Juli.

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